MUSES >>> Julie
Julie is with me from the very beginning, always a super supportive customer which I am very happy to call my friend now. She started her TRK collection with a TOP RED and Chanel skirt combo and after that we made some made to measure pieces for her. Julie is a special lady and mysterious agent Mr. Nochi in one. Mr. Nochi is running an agency for Czech and Slovak talented directors of photography. Check them out here.
We met at her Queendom in Prague in the Vinohrady neighborhood, a bit like Montmartre. Julie's flat (and her boyfriend's Filip) is full of lovely retro furniture, shelves with books and magazines and on the walls you will find art pieces from Czech artists. My favourites are: a big painting by Antonie Stanová in the bedroom and a portrait of Grace Kelly by Julie Machová ( 7year old girl, painting for fun) in the kitchen.
Julie selection:
Queen maxi dress: 11500 Kč
Flower shirt dress: 7790 Kč
Gradient tailored jacket: 10 800 Kč
Top RED, long sleev: 3490 Kč
Tweedy mini skirt: 3490 Kč